How To Become Unstoppable.
Hi There,
I almost don’t want to admit to this, but right now I have 17,980 unread emails. The ones I need to reply to, I can’t find anymore.
‘Hey, we’d love for you to speak at our marketing conference in Mumbai in May’. I’d love to, but can I find their email? Nope. Not a hope.
I am the bottleneck in my company. There, I said it.
But I know I’m not alone, am I?
So over a year ago, knowing I needed to sort this out, I begged Michael to come and do this course on how to take control of yourself, your work and your time. And how to enjoy the ride.
Why Michael?
Because he had told me what he does that no else does. And, like all the best things, you think why isn’t everyone doing that?
His uniqueness is this.
Teaching you how to breathe and find your focus is only one part of it.
The second part is a system for productivity. Inspired by David Allen’s iconic ‘getting things done’ practice and then developed, hacked and honed over a decade for this busy world.
When combined with Mindfulness this productivity system is the life-changer.
This world wants our attention. Constantly.
Email is not going away. Social Media is not going away. The diary is not getting any less busy.
So this system, when applied, is incredible. And it’s timely.
Bringing these two things together is where Michael has hit upon a huge need. And, I don’t know anyone else who does it.
Mindfulness is a great practice. But this is Mindfulness Plus.
When you take away the thing that is bringing you the stress (things like, a poor email practice) then mindfulness becomes a superpower.
Because of his unique programme, Michael is in much demand with C.E.O’s around the world.
We had to wait for over a year to get a free slot with him. So for one day, 30 people will have the chance to learn the systems and frameworks he teaches to top executives all over the world to become unstoppable.
I am buying a ticket. There is gold here.
Hope to see you there.
As always, thank you for your support,
David Hieatt
Purchase your ticket here.
There are only 30 places available.
For the next 48 hours, you can get a £50 early bird discount.
Your Brain Is For Having Ideas.
Not Storing Them.
Michael teaching at Do Wales, 2018.This workshop will show you how to take control of yourself, your work and your time. And how to enjoy the ride.
This workshop is for you if:
You feel overwhelmed by the demands and anxieties of daily life. If you’re starting or growing a business. Starting or growing a family. Or both. You may be stuck in a rut that you want to get out of, knowing more hours isn’t the right answer. You may look after a team and want to lead the way in how to work effectively. If you want to become a high performer and want to know how you need to operate to get there.
You will learn:
How to calm your mind
How to make it a habit
How to find your focus
How to stop multitasking
How to design your digital tools for doing deep work
How to react well to stressful triggers
How to organise your work and personal life
How to use the ‘Getting Things Done’ method
How to optimise it using new technology
How to organise your devices to be more mindful
How to work with technology and not let it take over your life
How to create a personal operating system that will make you unstoppable
How to make this your best year ever
Expect to:
Move your body as well as your mind. (So dress comfortably, you don’t need to be dressed for a workout though.) Bring your laptop and phone for some fine-tuning, and a notebook for, you guessed it, taking notes.
Learn by listening, reflecting and doing.
The details:
April 5th. 2019.
Only 30 places are available.
This one-day workshop will take place in Central London.
For the next 3 days, you can get a £50 early bird discount.
Your Coach — Michael Townsend Williams.
“My first career was in the stressful world of global advertising. We worked long days and sometimes through the night. We drank far too much alcohol and struggled to look after ourselves.
Following the tragic death of my younger brother I had the sudden realisation that my life was slipping away too and I was not living the life I wanted to. So I dropped out, and spent over 10 years practicing and teaching yoga and mindfulness. From a life of obsessive doing to a life of obsessive being. And then I realised how difficult it was to get things done and look after your wellbeing at the same time.
So I learnt the Getting Things Done (GTD) System from David Allen that’s popular in Silicon Valley. Over the last 10 years I have distilled this, made it relavant to the tools we use today and successfully coached 100s of senior executives and business builders around the world. I call it ‘welldoing’ — the art of getting more done with less stress.”
Michael has worked with people and brands of all sizes, including:
Google, GSK, Coca Cola, Dell, La Fosse Associates, Mind, Design Museum, Tate Britain, Royal Academy Of Arts, Wagamama, lululemon, Neal’s Yard Remedies, Anatome, Fantastic Services, Connect VC, BGF (Business Growth Fund).
To learn more about Michael, you can watch his Do Lecture or read his book.
Overwhelm Is A Poor Strategy.
According to the 2018 Workplace Distraction Report, nearly 3 out of 4 workers (70 percent) say they feel distracted at work.
Who can blame them? We live in a world full of distractions.
Each notification, screen and request steals your attention.
They’re coming in thick and fast, and from all angles. You’re juggling your job, clients, companies and side-projects. You’re holding your breath hoping you don’t drop one.
Your head feels bloated. So, to stay on track you’ve written loads of to-do lists in a new Moleskine and in shiny new apps, but still, feel like you’re forgetting something.
You feel paralyzed by how much there is to do, you don’t know where to start. So you don’t. And you end up doing nothing. Then you get frustrated with yourself for doing nothing. You’ve put off doing a task for ten days when it will only take you ten minutes to complete.
When you eventually try getting things done, you’re constantly being interrupted and can’t get into the flow you need to get this job finished.
Because you have no systems in place, you wait for the next spurt of inspiration to help get you in the mood to get work done.
It’s not your fault, you were never taught how to deal with all of this. It keeps piling on. And it’s up to you to just figure it out.
You’ve probably bought multiple to-do list apps and meditation apps like Headspace and Calm, to help you relax and get focused. But the habit never stuck. You’ve bought the best selling book ‘Getting Things Done’, maybe you’ve actually read it, a couple of you might’ve even implemented the lessons.
You have good intentions. You want to grow you. You want to start or grow your business. But your head is full and your time is limited.
The honest truth. If you want to get to the next level and become a high performer, you need a new operating system. What got you here, will not get you to where you want to be. Something needs to change.
You and your team need a system that you can use to do the best work you’ve ever done, without having to constantly multitask and work longer hours.
So how do you do it?
If you want to learn something fast, model the best.
For the last ten years, Michael Townsend Williams, Do speaker, author and creator of the app ‘Breathe Sync’, has been working one on one with CEO’s, HR Directors, Creative Agencies, startups and strategists all over the world to help them stay calm, find their focus and get things done.
We can’t all have a one to one coach, so in this one day workshop, Michael is opening up the system he teaches his clients, so you can find your new way of operating and become a top performer. The workshop will only be available to 30 people.
Imagine if you were able to do an extra 3, 5, 10 hours of productive work a week and have a clear head in the process? How much would that be worth to you? Your business? Your family?