The Lies We Tell Our Ideas.

DO Lectures
2 min readOct 3, 2016
Do Wales 2016

It’s not the right time.

I won’t ever get this funded.

I don’t have enough experience.

This can only happen in Silicon Valley.

Everyone is smarter than me.

It’s not perfect yet.

It’s getting closer.

One more week.

Hey, I am nearly there.

The line that marks the starting line is invisible, but the barriers that stop us going past it are put there by us.

And will have to be removed by us.

Useful+Inspiring =Do Lectures Newsletter. Sign up here. Give it a try. You may love it.

Do Workshop. London. Nov 18th. How to build a great brand with very little money.

Do Workshop. London. Nov 17th. How a simple newsletter can transform your business.

Do Purpose. Why brands with a purpose do better and matter more.

Do Stress. One-Day Event. London. Oct 14th.

The Do Lectures is holding a one-day event called ‘Do Stress’. It will deliver insights, future strategies, and will examine the zeitgeist for ‘human-based companies’ and how ‘work’ is going to change. And what that means for your business?

There will be 10 talks from entrepreneurs, thought-leaders, change-makers and visionaries. As Dan Pink reminds us all: “Talented people need organisations less than organisations need talented people”.

That is why smart companies are creating human cultures, not corporate ones in order to thrive. How you stay ahead in the future is not the same as what kept you ahead in the past.

Why attend?

It answers the question of who leads the way in look after their people, what are they doing, why is it working? How does culture help your business? How does your purpose? How does the design of your office? Even, how you sit at a computer?

How does a human culture prevent burn out? How does it help you win the talent war? And how, just as importantly, does it help you retain your people too. What perks are the most important?

The good news is companies who look after their people are also the best businesses over the long term. Human based companies are the future. So how do you become one? Our one day event is designed to give you the answers.

The One Day Event — Do Stress

10 speakers.

2 workshops.

Only 100 places.

Tickets are available to buy. Secure your place now.

