This is one busy world. So what are the secrets to telling your story so you get noticed, remembered and loved?
This is an excerpt from Bobette Busters book ‘Do Story, How to tell your story so the world listens.’
What all great stories have in common is a journey whose conclusion appears uncertain.
They are full of hope. And they are about courage. The tragic ones are about someone who did not have the courage to do something they had to do, or who took the coward’s way out.
This is how we connect to our humanity, and become better people.
How well you tell your story can make the difference to anything you do — whether that’s convincing someone to love you, buy something you’ve made, or give something of themselves; or how well you make your way in the world; or, simply, in sharing who you are.
I have realised that in writing this book, I have simply enjoyed sharing the stories of my heroes — the world famous and those known only to a relative few.
But the greater stories, to me, may well be the personal ones told by my students, each one of them unique, emotional and memorable. This, in part, is because I had the great pleasure of observing them as they all learned to tell these stories, and to tell them well.
Storytelling is native to all of us. We just need to do it. Dare to be personal. Dare to be vulnerable. And dare to listen to others sharing their stories.
And, why should you do this? Risk your vulnerability?
Because in this age of content creation, someone is telling a story all of the time. In fact, we are immersed in them, and even make life choices because of them. Thus, it is necessary for us to harness our own stories, and tell them well. If not, then someone else will come in and wallpaper our culture with their stories. And then, how do we pass on to the next generation what has been lost, if not forgotten?
In the end, all you have is your story.
Tell us your story.
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On Saturday, Bobette Buster is flying over from Hollywood to run a storytelling masterclass in London. There are only two places left. So if you’d like to learn to become a better storyteller, get your ticket here.